Category Archives: News

Spacy Sounds

Next Saturday (11/12/2011), my new piece Caladan will be premiered in the concert Spacy Sounds in the Schönbrunner Schlosstheater in Vienna. The piece was written for the new “Spatial-Acoustics-Instrument” of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, which is a combination system of Ambisonics and Wavefield Synthesis. This instrument will be introduced to the public during this concert. Next to my piece, there will be music by Karlheinz Essl, Richard Karger, Katharina Clement, Marko Ciciliani,  Caroline Profanter, Igor Lintz-Maues, Onur Dülger and more.

A part of Caladan will be previewed two days earlier at the same place, during a gala of the university. Thereby, single sounds of the piece will be gestically spatialised by the usage of two Theremin-Controllers.

gestic sound projection: Ülkemin Akbas, Javier Party



Voice Things

On coming friday (june, 24th), my piece ‘Ist Niemals Jetzt’ for two voices, video and Live-Electronics will be premiered at the Brick-5 in Vienna. Beside my piece there will be new works from my friends and colleagues Onur Dülger, Alexander Chernyshkov and Alejandro del Valle-Lattanzio.


next_generation 4.0 – ZKM

Tomorrow (06/16/2011), my stoptrickmovie ‘Am I an Image’ will be performed at the Festival next_generation 4.0 at the ZKM in Karlsruhe.

The festival is a required event for anyone interested in knowing what will be developed aesthetically in the coming years in electronic music, and for anyone who wishes to be at the hub of contemporary creative output.


Tsonami 2011 – Buenos Aires

On coming friday (may, 13th), my piece “Im vorderen Zimmer des hinteren Raums” will be performed at Tsonami 2011 in Buenos Aires. The festival will take six days and starts on thursday. Beside the concert-activities, there will be a lot of other performances, installations and lectures to the topic of sonic art.

Anyone in and around Buenos Aires should not miss that!



Ist Niemals Jetzt

Yestersday was the first rehearsal of my new piece “Ist Niemals Jetzt” for Live-Video, two voices and electronics. It went very well, which at least was a result of a brilliant chemistry between composer and singers.

The premiere of this piece will be on june, 24th in the Brick-5 in Vienna. Hope to see you there!!