Category Archives: News


Watch this excerpt from the audio-visual installation ‘Zeitspiel’, I realized in cooperation with the visual artist Jürgen Stutzinger.

The original version of this piece has a duration of 24′. It was a long time project and based on a daily selfportrait by Stutzinger, he made between january, 1st 2006 and december, 31st 2009. The music of this work is made out of transformations from a recording of a poem by the artist.

Cache 2009

Finally, the Cache 2009 Sampler by the Canadian Electroacoustic Community (CEC) released! My piece ‘Im vorderen Zimmer des hinteren Raums’ is included. You can order it via


The sampler contains the winning works from the JTTP 2009 edition.


Tsonami 2011

I’m glad to announce, that my piece ‘Im vorderen Zimmer des hinteren Raums’ was selected for the Tsonami 2o11 Festival in Buenos Aires. The festival will take place from may 12th till may 18th.