USAP @ Synagogenplatz

The sound installation USAP, which includes my piece Verzweigung, is presented on december 7th and 8th at the Synagogenplatz in Mülheim/Ruhr.
A sonic-circle will connect the cultural triangle between Kunstmuseum, Kulturbetrieb and Medienhaus

The installation also includes acousmatic compositions by Peter Eisold, Hiromi Ishii, Wilfried Jentzsch, Hans W. Koch, Tilman Küntzel, Frank Niehusmann, Michele del Prete and Clemens von Reusner.


Upcoming Concerts

Out of the Fridge was selected for a concert-presentation at the  international Csound Conference  at the Berklee College of Music in Boston. The concert will take place on october 25th.
Keynote speakers at the conference are John Chowning and Jean-Claude Risset.

Two weeks earlier, on october 12th, Caladan will be performed at a concert due to the annual convention of the DEGEM (German association for electroacoustic music) at the Hannover University of Music, Drama and Media.


Finished my new acousmatic piece Verzweigung for 12 audio channels, which was specially created for the USAP project.

USAP (Urban Solar Audio Plant) is a solar-cell powered, wireless LAN controlled, multichannel sound-installation for public space, created by Peter Eisold and Micha Dawid.
A swarm of mobile loudspeaker columns turns every suitable outdoor area into a spacious and unique “listening park”.
By the large-area spreading of the single sound sources and the 12- channel compositions and soundscapes, this novel instrument gives the visitor an extraordinary listening experience at special urban places or at rural areas.

There will be a large number of USAP performances this season, see more here


Sound Devices

The movements Landing and Exploration of my piece Caladan are going to be presented at the next edition of Sound Devices in Dublin, Ireland.

Sound Devices is an exciting new way for both artists and audiences to explore the connection between sound, acousmatic music and literature.

in celebration of historical Rathmines Library’s 100th anniversary, a series of monthly events in the form of imaginative journeys through sound is curated by sound artist La Cosa Preziosa.

The event is scheduled for 28th February at 6.30pm.


Here is the podcast concerning this edition:


Schizophonic Scenery

The Schizophonic Scenerys are a new visual component of my project Monday Sounds , where aural perception is created by uploading an environmental sound each monday.

The term Schizophonia goes back to R. Murray Schafer and describes the split of a sound’s origin and its electroacoustic reproduction.

Following this idea, visual scenerys are splitted from their original sound and combined with the sound environment of other settings.



My Piece Caladan is going to be performed as a permanent sound-installation at this year’s edition of the annual Ruhrpuls-Festival in Bochum, Germany (10/02/12 – 10/06/12).

The festival is a great mixture of visual and sonic art, live-music and different parties.  Anyone in and around the Ruhr-Area shouldn’t miss that!